Icoteq’s TransferJet Hardware Development Platform (HDP) now supports the sending and receiving of files from PC, Android and iOS devices enabling users to fully explore the capabilities of TransferJet technology with a range of professional and consumer devices.
In addition to the original ‘speed test’ style of data transfer between two HDPs, users can now send files from a mobile device to the HDP and store them on a connected SATA or USB drive. Conversely, files stored on SATA or USB drives connected to the HDP can now be sent to mobile devices using TransferJet.
Get quickly up to speed with your TransferJet developments using example application code provided with the HDP, experiment with communications between other embedded products, laptops, tablets and phones with this latest extension to the capabilities of the platform.
Devices that don’t have TransferJet capability can be enabled with one of Toshiba’s USB/Lightning adapters:
MicroUSB adapter for Android devices
Lightning adapter for iOS devices
If you would like to find out more about TransferJet and how Icoteq can help you develop your own products and solutions please contact us at https://www.icoteq.com/contact