TransferJet Applications – Part #1 Contactless High Speed Data Connector

TransferJet is a high speed wireless technology offering 375Mbps data transfer speeds with a simple connection based on two small TransferJet antennas (called ‘couplers’) being within a few centimetres of each other. Each coupler is only ~8 – 20mm square.

With these attributes it is easy to see the comparison between a traditional data connector and a TransferJet connection, though the other benefits may not be immediately obvious:

  1. With no physical contact required TransferJet can be used to connect data between two devices if one or both of them are rotating. There are no cables to get wound up, and no slip rings or other electromechanical devices required which are difficult to implement, require high maintenance, and have low reliability.
  2. Since there is no physical contact a TransferJet connection requires zero insertion force.
  3. Repetitive connect and disconnect actions will quickly degrade a traditional high speed (or any) connector. With TransferJet there is no physical contact required, just the proximity of two couplers and the connection is automatically made without any wear or tear.
  4. Connect and disconnect problems are most problematic in wet, chemical, humid, or dusty environments where ingress is very difficult to avoid with catastrophic results to the connection. TransferJet can completely avoid this by encapsulating the small coupler in a protective shell. These shells could be keyed to each other, or interlock to form a physically secure connection that would require no further protection against ingress.
  5. Blind mate connectors usually have to be located within very tight tolerances, or have clever alignment mechanisms to ensure the two halves of the connection are made securely and without damaging the connector. With TransferJet there is no danger of damaging the two sides as there is no physical contact, and alignment accuracy can be more easily relaxed.
  6. TransferJet connections can be made through a physical barrier, so long as it is nonconductive and if the distances are short. For example, a connection could be made through a window (possibilities for retrofitting equipment in buildings or vehicles), or a thin wall (discrete data ‘hotspot’).

Example application areas:

– Production line programming and test.

– Data gathering from equipment, especially outdoors or in harsh environments.

– Fast connect and disconnect to a machine for data upload or download.

– System and equipment contactless assembly.

– Retrofit of equipment to buildings or vehicles.

HDP Demo

If you would like to find out more about TransferJet and how Icoteq can help you develop your own products and solutions please contact us at