BBC Newsround Feature

BBC Newsround coverage of the story behind the replica ships HMS Terror and HMS Erebus about…

STV News

STV News feature the Icoteq tracking and data monitoring devices used on the Antarctic journey of…


Bath-based wireless technology specialists Icoteq are supporting two young Scottish brothers, aged 10 and 12, in…

How Wireless Sensor Networks Are Being…

The perilous state of the earth’s natural environment is daily news and it would seem we…

Icoteq’s ARGOS satellite transceiver now certified…

CLS, a world recognized expert in satellite data and services have successfully completed certification testing on…

Guardian feature National Geographic Expedition

Guardian feature National Geographic 'Sea to Source' expedition. Heather Koldewey, co-lead talks about the use of…

Turtle Tracking featured in Nordic’s WirelessQ

Great to see our turtle tracking project featured in Nordic's WirelessQ technology magazine. (see page 6)…

Exciting times at Icoteq!

It’s an exciting time at Icoteq. We are entering our next phase of growth with a…

Icoteq featured in the Insider

Pleased to be featured in the latest Business Insider, recognising our work in the conservation sector.

National Technology Award Finalists

Icoteq are pleased to announce that we are finalists for the IoT Project of The Year…

Sea Turtle Tracking and Telemetry

Icoteq Ltd a specialist wireless design consultancy has successfully developed a new generation of satellite tracking…

Toshiba TZ2000 Processor + TransferJet wireless…

Icoteq have created a new development platform centred around Toshiba's TZ2000 App Lite processor with the…